Sunday, June 21, 2009

I have landed in Salvador!

The official Barr trip is over but my travels continue. I am launching out on my own in the city of Salvador, the capital of the state of Bahia and the former capital of Brazil. Salvador is the capital of Afro-Brazilian culture so I am very much looking forward to connecting with the people and the spirit of this place. I have studied Salvador and wanted to come here for the past 10 years so I am looking forward to my time here.

For those of you who were only following for the Barr Learning Journey, I thank you for reading and welcome you to continue reading as I continue to share stories from that time and from this next portion of my journey. While I am hoping that this next leg will be a little more calm than the last two weeks I also think there is much to learn and discover here.

For those that will continue with me for the next two weeks I invite you to continue reading and to feel free to send me comments. Please write your name at the end of your comments so that I can know who is writing.

The Journey Continues,



  1. hi mariama,
    i have commented before but not used my name but you might be able to guess who it is.
    i just want you to know that i got addicted to your blog and was in withdrawal whenever you did not keep up with the daily news. jeremy has a twitter going so that helped a twit.
    i would love to hear your reflections on the whole of the fellows journey before you lose the impressions by what comes in salvador. also remember if you want me to connect you to Adjoa just email me about it.
    you also can email your impressions overall on the journy.

  2. Hi Mariama:
    Rhan told me at church today that you are blogging and gave me your web address. What a journey for you! I will be sure to go back and read your previous entries to learn more about your trip. What an experience for young adults like you. I know that you have shared much with those who you have met. Safe travels, and I will enjoy your readings.
    Sis Carole (Copeland Thomas)
